CYC Race Night

Thursday, June 16, 2022

If you’re surprised this post is about sailboats, you’re in the wrong place.

After being a volunteer race committee member on Orcas Island for a J80 regatta with Giancarlo, I was invited to help with Wednesday night races. I got to see some friends I had not seen in years and drove a boat, so it was a fun evening. The weather was pretty bad, with no wind and overcast skies. But I got to put my new telephoto lens to work. Very few photos in this set, but I think they all turned out fantastic.

I think my practice in thinking about the end frame and setting clear goals of what I want to frame turned out well. When taking these photos, I thought about how to compress the sailboats against the backdrop of the Olympic Mountains. The photo I was hoping to find was the focus of sailboat racers against the silhouettes of cliffs and glaciers. But I was just not at the right spot at the right time.